The 3 Currencies

There are 3 currencies that affects each and every one of us, regardless of our background or expertise in finance. No, I'm not diving into the intricacies of the American Dollar, British Pounds, or Chinese Yuan. I'm here to discuss something much closer to our everyday lives – the Three Currencies of Life. You might have heard about these in various forms, but I believe they are the most succinct way to summarize what truly matters in our journey through life:

  • Time

  • Knowledge

  • Money

These three currencies are like the building blocks of our existence. Now, some may argue that 'energy' could replace 'knowledge,' and 'resources' could swap with 'money,' but there's one constant that remains unchanged and immeasurably valuable – time. Let me tell you why it's so crucial.

If we examine each currency individually, it becomes clear that money, if lost, can often be regained. Knowledge, once acquired, is something you can hold onto, and even if it slips away, you can always seek to regain it. But time, well, it's a relentless and irreversible force.

Once it's gone, it's gone for good.

This is why the concept of the time value of money exists, and I'll delve into that in a future post. So, consider this your warning: what I have to offer requires time, just like any other meaningful pursuit in life.

Balancing and prioritizing these three currencies can be one of life's greatest challenges. We often find ourselves trading one for the other two, depending on our life stage. Whether you're just starting a new job, at the peak of your career, expanding your family, approaching retirement, or trying to dig yourself out of a financial hole – your current situation determines which currency you possess in abundance.

But no matter where you are in life, getting your finances in order can be a daunting task. Through my interactions with people seeking financial wisdom, I've noticed a recurring theme – three fundamental questions that keep cropping up:

  • Where do I start?

  • What should I invest in?

  • How can I make more money with less risk?

In my current work in building the Silent Wealth Program, I provide answers to all of these questions. In this video, I share the same message by laying down the basics of managing your personal finances before we embark on the journey of wealth building.

The Silent Wealth Program that I’m building is more than just your typical How to Invest in the Stock Market kind of course, it’s a way of building a simple and sustainable, passive, long term wealth system, that is somewhat automated and let your money work for you, in the background, without you having to keep up and lose sleep. To find out more about the Silent Wealth Program, subscribe to the monthly newsletter, or apply for the pilot program here.


I'm a senior analyst in investment operations with a passion for personal finance and investing. I was also a banker in both retail and business, a data analyst and derivatives specialist before becoming a senior analyst.

Here, I use my expertise to share my knowledge through video courses and Excel templates that help people take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals, teach people about how the financial system really works, building wealth by investing, and even starting a financial career!

I believe that everyone deserves to have a sound financial foundation, and financial literacy should be a basic need for everyone. My course and templates are designed to be easy to understand and use, even if you don't have a background in finance. Thanks for visiting!

Opposite of Luck


Behind The Name